40 Actionable Content Promotion Strategies [With Examples]

Dominic Kent
29 min readOct 29, 2020
Content Promotion Strategies

You’ve written a post designed to take organic traffic by storm. What do you do next? Sit back and wait for the SEO goodness to do its thing? No! You should immediately be thinking about content promotion strategies!

Don’t have any of your own? No problem!

This post details 40 content promotion strategies that you can literally steal and apply to your own content.

You should also know: this post is 100% inspired by Andy Crestodina’s post. What I’ve done here is take the content promotion techniques I use the most and apply them in a practical sense.

Where can I post content marketing?

Here are real-life scenarios where I promoted the content I produced for clients in new domains.

For example, I wrote blog posts on telemedicine and virtual clinics to attract organic traffic.

No matter how many SEO tips I followed, the blog didn’t have any authority in that area. So the next step was to promote it outside of organic traffic.

Check out Andy’s original post on content promotion:

Quick wins

These first 13 content promotion techniques I deemed as the quick wins for my client. You can achieve these with relative ease and they don’t take up much time.

If you need immediate traffic, here’s how to promote your content.

A word of advice, you might want to write these down. But, don’t worry, I’ve done that for you. At the end of the post, you can borrow my content promotion matrix to tick off each strategy as you go.

Content promotion strategy 1: Company Twitter

Action: Craft a compelling post to share on your company’s Twitter account.

Include the following:

  • A quote from your content
  • A reason for your reader to click through
  • An image (or make sure your link unfurls and displays your featured image)
  • A power verb (like read, watch, or download)
  • The link to your content

Of course, you can (and should) vary your format — but this is a great format to get started.

When crafted, schedule in a tool like Buffer or Social Pilot at the suggested best time for posting.

As you post more, social media management and reputation management tools will tell you the best time to reach your audience.

Example: When launching the latest Unified Comms Influencers infographic, I used this tweet to build excitement, explain what the content is, and ask them to do something.

The result?

Check out the engagement one hour since tweeting.

Twitter for content promotion

Content promotion strategy 2: Company Twitter (again)

Action: For a secondary Twitter post, craft another post but this time mention everyone who contributed to your post.

Also, include anyone (or any brand) whose research you referenced or involved in the work. Louise Shanahan summarised the perfect tweet here:

Don’t forget the hard work of your graphic designer, editor, or anyone that had a say in the creation of this content.

Example: When writing this blog post on startup content marketing, I included people who helped me during my first year.

Unlike the first Twitter strategy, the aim here is to increase the reach of your tweet. If everybody (or somebody) mentioned in your tweet retweets your post, you immediately expand the reach of your tweet. You can see below that 15 people retweeted — of which, 10 were mentioned in the tweet.

Twitter as a content promotion strategy

Content promotion strategy 3: Company LinkedIn

Action: Craft a compelling post to share on your company’s LinkedIn account.

Include the following:

  • A quote from your content
  • A reason for your reader to click through
  • An image (or make sure your link unfurls and displays your featured image)
  • A power verb (like read, watch, or download)
  • The link to your content

Sounds a lot like the first Twitter strategy? That’s because it is.

What makes Twitter and LinkedIn different? Your audience.

I’ve always found that I prefer Twitter for engaging with people and content. But, my content gets way more engagement on LinkedIn.

Do use the same template but be aware of the different personas who are passively scrolling through LinkedIn.

Savan Kharod, Digital Marketer at Acquire.io also has some great advice on using “stories” to post on LinkedIn below.

Example: Orbit Media does a great job of nailing the images so suit its audience’s needs. The use of a Google Analytics graph resonates with Orbit Media’s LinkedIn following so much.

Images for content promotion

Content promotion strategy 4: Company Facebook

Action: Craft a compelling post to share on your company’s Facebook account.

Include the following:

  • A quote from your content
  • A reason for your reader to click through
  • An image (or make sure your link unfurls and displays your featured image)
  • A power verb (like read, watch, or download)
  • The link to your content

Getting a little repetitive now, isn’t it?

Well, I did say they were quick wins!

Do use the same format and strategy here when sharing on Facebook. But again, be aware of the type of audience you may have on Facebook.

Example: The Mio Facebook audience is small and built of passive scrollers (at least that’s how the marketing world classifies Facebook users).

Facebook as a content promotion strategy

We added a GIF to capture people’s attention when we launched universal channels.

Content promotion strategy 5: Medium

Action: If you don’t have a Medium account, go to Medium, and create one. Next, copy and paste your latest content into a new post.


I know it sounds like plagiarism but here’s the best part…

Add a canonical link and all traffic gets credited to the site you copied the content from.

What is a canonical link?

What is a canonical link?

When you publish the same article across different sites, search engines use canonical links to determine and prioritise the original source of the content. Using canonical links tells the search engine that this piece of content isn’t the original and redirects it to find the original source.

Hey presto! A free traffic source with little effort! How about that for a quick win?

Example: Mio has its own Medium account where we republish everything we produce on the company blog. Some of the traffic results are staggering — given all we’ve done is copy and paste our content.

Medium as a content promotion strategy

Content promotion strategy 6: Reddit

Action: Find (or create) a relevant Reddit community. Share your content in it.

Simple, right?

You will need to check out the community guidelines of each subreddit (that’s the name for different sections of Reddit). Some don’t appreciate promotional content or a large number of links in posts. If you violate these guidelines, you could be banned from the subreddit.

Example: When I publish an article about Slack, I post in the r/Slack subreddit.

Reddit as a content promotion strategy

You can see we already got some feedback on our latest article about Slack webhooks.

Content promotion strategy 7: Reddit (again)

Action: Search Reddit for relevant posts already created and comment on them.

Make sure you only comment with something comment-worthy. It’s no good spamming subreddits in hope that you get some clicks.

Quality, targeted comments with a call to view your content for more information serve as a great way to engage with your audience and generate traffic.

Example: Over the last five months, I’ve spent a small amount of time searching for relevant subreddits to share content. For the small effort expended, the results pay back the time spent.

Reddit Google Analytics

Content promotion strategy 8: Quora

Action: Like Reddit, search Quora for questions that your content answers.

When answering the question, make sure it’s a quality response and follow up with a link to your content that provides more information.

One word of warning is not to leave links in every answer you leave. Quora is quite tight on its community guidelines and polices anything flagged as spam or overpromotion.

Some marketers have found success in simply answering questions without using links to their content. While successful in the long term, it’s not an easy win to generate more quality traffic to your content.

Example: Mobisoft Infotech did a good job of answering the question “What is telemedicine?” in this Quora question.

Quora as a content promotion strategy

Notice in the bottom left-hand corner, included is a link to its article on telemedicine apps.

Content promotion strategy 9: Email

Action: Assemble an email or email newsletter showcasing your latest content.

This could be your latest blog post or a collection of all the content you produced over the course of the last month.

How often and how you create this email is up to you. Ask 10 marketers the best practice and you’ll get 10 different answers.

What matters is that you do email your email audience. These are the people who opted in to receiving your content. They are expecting it and are often your most likely next customers.

Marketers often suggest the email list is the best source of all content marketing because you own the email list. (Unlike SEO, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc which are all owned by other companies).

Think you’re finished here? Not so fast!

When your email audience has dwindled, you can use your content (new or existing) for re-engagement purposes.

Example: Check out how Cassandra Jowett, Senior Marketing Director at Path Factory, sets up a re-engagement email below.

Email as a content promotion strategy
Email campaign

Content promotion strategy 10: Email (again)

Action: When you’ve emailed your subscriber list (or before), send a personalised email out to everybody you mentioned in the article.

If you used research from a brand, email its marketing manager. If you’ve quoted an influencer, send an email to notify them.

Even if you haven’t interviewed them, they will be appreciative of the coverage.

Example: When I put together a post covering the best 11 intercompany collaboration tools, I emailed each brand mentioned and asked them to share it.

Email contributors and ask them to promote content

Be very specific in what you are asking for. In this case, I asked each recipient to share the content we produced on its social media.

Every single brand obliged!

Content promotion strategy 11: Pin to LinkedIn profile

Action: Assuming you are the author or producer of the content, you’ve probably shared on your personal LinkedIn profile.

If you haven’t, always do this! LinkedIn loves content from people as well as company pages.

When you’ve posted on LinkedIn and gained some likes and comments, set your successful LinkedIn posts as “featured” on your profile.

To do this, click into the post, hit the … and choose *Feature on top of profile*.

Example: When I have a successful — or important — post that I wish to be featured when anyone checks out my LinkedIn profile, I pin it.

This is what is looks like underneath my About section.

Pin to LinkedIn profile

Content promotion strategy 12: Niche forums

Action: Find forums specific to your industry. If you’re new to your industry, this may take some time to figure out where your readers hang out.

But, it’s likely the places you also look for research and help.

You should already be in these forums looking for questions you can answer (and use for your own content ideas).

Example: In the communication and collaboration industry, Microsoft Teams is a big deal.

Most of the Mio customers will also be Microsoft Teams customers. So, a gold mine for both content ideas and content promotion is the Microsoft Teams Community Forum.

You can see below that this particular post has over 300,000+ views. The benefit of being an active member, with regular links to helpful content speaks for itself.

Find niche forums to promote content

Content promotion strategy 13: Instagram

Action: There’s always been a stigma in the B2B marketing world about using Instagram for content promotion.

I bring to attention a quote from a former manager, “People like Dave (not really called Dave but represented a persona) aren’t scrolling through Facebook and Instagram for work purposes.”

Well, no they aren’t. But, Dave doesn’t watch TV to buy a new washing machine or Playstation either.

Instagram ads and Facebook ads, even during the coronavirus pandemic have seen spends rise and rise.

We (even Dave) use social media more than ever before. Don’t forget the consumer platforms when it comes to content promotion.

Example: I’ll be honest. I haven’t had success with Instagram. But, that’s not to say you won’t.

Sargi Pragada, Freelance Writer, shares a neat tactic below that works for her.

Medium effort techniques

The next batch takes some crafting before executing. As you read through the content promotion techniques, it should become clear why.

These aren’t month-long projects but you do need to spend some time to get the theory right before you execute.

Content promotion strategy 14: Leverage employee’s Twitter accounts

Action: Just because you’re the author of a blog post doesn’t mean you’re the only person that should share it.

But, convincing other members of your team/organisation is often harder than getting a random stranger to share your content.

Example: Gail Axelrod, Director of Content Marketing at Drift shares insight from Drift’s marketing playbook, This Won’t Scale.

Play #14 is to Make Marketing Everyone’s Job.

“If you think everyone outside the marketing team understands what you do and is naturally inclined to promote, you’re dead wrong. Because the harsh truth is that no one cares about marketing.”

It is a harsh truth but the keyword here is truth.

How many times have you posted your latest content in a Slack channel and nobody has shared it?

What you need to start doing here, as the Drift playbook suggests, is to explain why it’s important to share the content.

Explain what the content is about, the purpose, and why it’s important for them to share. Even better, convince them to read it and they’ll be more inclined to share it.

Drift calls this internal marketing. It might take place in your weekly sales meeting, over a Slack channel, or a video call. Whatever your medium, make sure you spend time on internal marketing to leverage employee’s Twitter accounts.

Content promotion strategy 15: Leverage employee’s LinkedIn accounts

Action: Replicate the same action you took for your team’s personal Twitter accounts and make it work for LinkedIn.

Here, the strategy and internal marketing is more important than the execution.

Yes, it would be lovely to have both. But, what you ask your non-marketing coworkers to do for you should be limited.

What you can do is write the post for them.

Once you’ve conveyed the importance of what marketing does and why they should promote this content, trial writing a post and asking everyone to share the same thing.

You might get pushback because people want to be authentic — this is even better. It means they’ve bought into your internal marketing.

Content promotion strategy 16: Leverage employee’s Facebook accounts

Action: Replicate the same action you took for your team’s personal Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and make it work for Facebook.

Again, the strategy and internal marketing is more important than the execution.

As you’ve already asked for your coworkers to share on Twitter and LinkedIn at this point, focus on making your content easy to share on Facebook.

Make sure you have share buttons that are easy to find and use within your content.

In the example below, you can see the all the social media sharing buttons are one of the first things your reader sees. This makes it easy for your coworkers to share your post without needing to scroll.

Make your content easy to share

Also, note the sharing button furthest to the right.

Depending on the topics of your content, consider using plugins to enable sharing to non-obvious platforms. In this case, the post is about Microsoft Teams so I included a button to share straight to Microsoft Teams.

Content promotion strategy 17: LinkedIn groups

Action: We’re still not doing with LinkedIn at this point. When you’ve exhausted your company page, personal profile, and employee’s LinkedIn pages, there are two more ways you can use LinkedIn in your content promotion strategy.

The next is LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn groups are communities dedicate to one specific topic. According to Smartbug, there are over two million LinkedIn groups active today.

So, it would be remiss to overlook the power of these.

Example: First, you need to find and join a relevant LinkedIn group.

In the LinkedIn search bar, type your content topic(s).

Searching for content in LinkedIn

Click See all results for “topic XYZ”.

Click the More drop-down tab then select Groups.

How to find LinkedIn groups

Browse relevant groups and click the wants you wish to join.

Click Request to Join and wait for a notification confirming you’ve been admitted to the group.

How to join a LinkedIn group

Once you’re in the group, watch the page for a few days to learn how users behave. Some groups are great for content promotion and encourage it every day. Others are more strict and you should use them for small amounts of promotion when you produce something really big.

Content promotion strategy 18: Facebook groups

Action: Like LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups can prove a gold mine for incoming traffic.

But, these are often more strict when it comes to any form of promotion.

Depending on the moderator(s) of Facebook groups, it might take you some time to get the point where you feel safe to post. Finding the right group is critical here.

You do need to find a group where your audience hangs out. You don’t want to appear a pushy, sales-y imposter with a promotion agenda.

Example: My local village has a Facebook group for the latest news and events. Once an established member, Nicky Phillips — who we can assume works at or is an advocate for Screech Owl Sanctuary — posted this semi-promotional post in our village group which has 3,600 members.

Facebook groups for content promotion

Content promotion strategy 19: Craft a Twitter thread

Action: Flipping back to Twitter, you’ve scheduled as many tweets as you can think of and asked your coworkers to share on theirs.

Next, create a Twitter thread telling the story of your content. In some cases, you might even but using your content as the Twitter thread.

Example: When Mio produced its Workplace Messaging Report, I created a Twitter thread running down the headline statistics.

I’ll do the same with this article — introducing each content promotion strategy. Perhaps it’s even how you found the post?

Content promotion strategy 20: Promotional video

Action: When you’ve exhausted your social media posts for a specific piece of content, create a video explaining what your content is about.

Like the Instagram strategy, this isn’t a content promotion strategy I regularly use. But, that’s on me.

I’ve seen it done really well time and time again.

Example: Andy Crestodina uses his social media to showcase videos telling his audience what his latest content is about. When promoting Orbit Media’s latest blogging statistics, he created the video below.

Medium effort to shoot the video, edit, compress, then share. But, when done well, it’s an obvious content promotion strategy.

Content promotion strategy 21: Sales enablement

Action: Are you using your content marketing materials internally?

Think back to the last time someone in your sales team asked you to create a one-pager on a certain topic. Or if you had the latest version of XYZ?

If your engaged prospects or clients are asking you for these materials, these should be topics and assets covered in your content marketing anyway.

If you’re creating content that your audience is asking for, you’ve made this content promotion strategy incredibly easy.

Example: Next time your sales team asks for you a document or presentation covering a topic, find the most relevant blog post or infographic. If it needs updating, update it!

Then use this content as part of your sales enablement process.

Rather than creating something new each time, leverage your existing content marketing assets.

Content promotion strategy 22: Targeted sharing

Action: The most old-fashioned content promotion strategy is literally asking someone to read your content.

The modern way of asking someone to read or promote your content is to tag them on social media.

The action itself is the shortest content promotion strategy in this post but it lives in the “medium effort” section because you need to research who you’ll be tagging.

Example: If you’ve used someone’s research or quote, you should always tag them to let them know.

A more tactical approach is to target influencers in your niche.

If you have a relationship with these people already, you’re a step ahead and can take a warmer approach.

The colder approach, but worthwhile pursuing, is to search relevant hashtags and find the top profiles on Twitter or LinkedIn.

How to find a hashtag on Twitter

You can see that John Singelman is the only person on Twitter with #contentpromotion in his profile. So, this is a bad example for finding people who could be “content promotion influencers.”

But, clicking on Top will provide you with the highest-engaged posts with #contentpromotion included.

How to find people on Twitter

These are the sort of people you can reach out to with your targeted sharing.

A simple reply to the tweet or a new tweet mentioned their previous article could form a new relationship or leverage their audience.

Content promotion strategy 23: Track shares and mention cross-platform

Action: When someone shares your content on Twitter, thank them on LinkedIn to increase your reach.

How do you find out who shared your content on Twitter?

Type in your blog or site URL into the search bar on Twitter.

How to find who shared my content on Twitter

You can search by top or latest to find out who got the best engagement and who the latest person to share your content is.

You can either search your whole domain or the full URL of your latest piece of content.

Example: After creating this Unified Comms influencers infographic, almost everybody mentioned shared it on Twitter.

I took screenshots of everybody who shared it and created a LinkedIn post thanking everybody for sharing it.

Thank you post on LinkedIn

Content promotion strategy 24: Twitter chats

Action: Find a Twitter chat relevant to your niche and become a regular.

Once you’ve established your presence in the Twitter chat, drop in a link to some content you’ve produced.

There’s the caveat here that it needs to be relevant to the Twitter chat you’re participating in.

Example: I take part in #ContentClubUK every Tuesday at 11am. Here, content marketers in the UK get together and answer three questions on the chosen theme of the week.

In this Twitter chat, I was the host so I quote tweeted my response to a reply with a useful article.

Twitter chats as a content promotion strategy

Tim mentioned repurposing content as one of his strategies for content promotion so I shared an article I’d written on the topic.

Content promotion strategy 25: Link building relationships

Action: If you have a large content marketing team, you might already have an Outreach Manager who looks after building links to your content.

If you don’t, and don’t have time to build a formal link building strategy, there are some easy steps to identify who to reach out to.

Without any strategy for link building, you could spend hours crafting emails to publications who don’t reply.

The easiest link building tactic is to reach out to publications who have mentioned you in their post.

Maybe you’ve been included in an expert round-up or a “Top 100” list of whatever it is you do.

Rather than just being included in the post, reach out to the author or editor and ask for a link to a specific piece of content you’ve created on the topic.

Example: Mio published a blog post on free small business software. Out of the blue, we got a message from Andrew at Freeagent asking if we could link back to Freeagent’s website.

Example of cold outreach for link building

If Andrew has a specific piece of content about free small business software, he might have asked me to link back to this instead.

Larger effort projects

This final grouping of content promotion techniques may put you off due to the length of time to execute.

If your content is already high-performing, you could be forgiven for skipping this step completely.

But, if you’re still not seeing organic traffic on a regular basis, and you know your content will be useful to even more people, these content promotion techniques are worth having in the back (or front) of your mind.

Content promotion strategy 26: Reuse — or repurpose — existing content to promote new content

Action: Here we come to the section on repurposing content.

Content repurposing is the process of taking an existing piece of content and making something else from it. You could repurpose all the content or choose to use specific elements in a new medium.

For example, you might have a successful blog post that you could turn into a podcast episode. Or vice versa.

There is no limit to repurposing content and no hard and fast rules. One thing that is certain is you should be doing it.

Example: Rather than provide you with one example, Masooma Memon, Freelance Writer, provides us with 10 examples of great content marketing repurposing.

Content promotion strategy 27: Pinterest

Action: If graphics are a main source of content, you’re probably using Pinterest in your content promotion strategy already.

If you’re not, remember what we said about repurposing content?

Find a blog post that really drills into a topic or one that could benefit from adding visuals to explain a process.

I’m not going to pretend that I even know where to start when it comes to graphic design but you can find great freelancers on Twitter and LinkedIn with a simple search.

If your budget is lower than a freelancer for a few hundred pounds per day, try outsourcing or using platforms like Fiverr.

Example: If you’ve been reading this post the whole way through, you’ll remember the infographic I created for the Unified Comms industry.

This started life as a blog post.

Repurposing blog post into infographic

You’ll agree it’s more shareable as an infographic!

If you are graphics first, don’t forget you can repurpose the other way too. Every infographic you create could have a comprehensive blog post to go with it.

If you’re not skilled in the written word, check out The Freelance 50 put together by Databox Director of Marketing, Jon Bonini.

Content promotion strategy 28: Older or bespoke social networks

Action: This one is straight out of the Orbit Media content promotion playbook but one I’ve been trialling myself.

I wouldn’t usually include a tactic that I hadn’t had or seen success with. But, the guys at Orbit Media wouldn’t have included it if wasn’t worth rolling the dice on.

Example: I’m currently experimenting with Digg, Ezine, and Flipboard. It’s simple to copy and paste — or link to — your existing content.

Sharing content on social media

Use these three to start and see if they gain traction. If not, chalk it up as an experiment and move onto new platforms.

Content promotion strategy 29: News aggregators

Action: Before you publish your next piece of content, take the time to sign up to Google News.

Google now suggests that you don’t need to sign up to appear but there’s no harm in making sure.

Once you’re signed up, try out Apple News too. It’s quick to sign up but hard to get featured.

Example: Most of the Mio content about Microsoft Teams appears on Google News.

This particular example — a post on Microsoft Teams best practices — resulted in Google News being our highest traffic source.

News aggregators for content promotion

Content promotion strategy 30: Guest posting

Action: For every piece of content you create for your site, create a guest post on another site.

This sounds simple enough in principle but can become a tiresome process if you start writing guest posts and they don’t get accepted by your desired publication.

Follow these steps to make your guest posting process easier:

  1. Research websites that post about the topic you’ve created content for (Googling your keywords is a good place to start).
  2. Prioritise these websites by their domain authority score.
  3. Find an email address for the blog editor or add them on LinkedIn.
  4. Send a message explaining: a) why your guest post is worth their time b) previous success you’ve had sharing content c) an outline of the guest post you plan to write d) a timescale you’d like them to respond by.

Want to increase your own domain authority? Read: How to Increase Domain Authority Starting from Scratch

The timing element is important here so you don’t wait weeks for a response. If you don’t get a response within your timescale, go and pitch your next priority site.

When someone says yes, ask for their guidelines. Lots of writers make the error of writing a post only to have to rewrite it with the publication’s specific tone, keywords, or format.

Finally, make sure you spend as much time (or more) on the guest post. Again, lots of writers make the mistake of rushing a guest post because they don’t view it as important because it won’t be on their site.

They could not be more wrong.

There are lots of reasons for this: building relationships, SEO rankings, referral traffic, but one less obvious is that it could turn out to be your best conversion source.

For example, I posted on the Microsoft Teams Community Blog and it’s the featured post. At the end of the first hour, it had over 1,000 views thanks to Microsoft’s own promotion strategy.

Guest posting as a content promotion strategy

Andy Crestodina even recommends an “evil twin” guest post.

If you write about the Best Marketing Podcasts then write a guest post somewhere else about the Worst Marketing Podcasts! Okay, maybe not that evil but you get the point.

Content promotion strategy 31: Podcast

Talking of podcasts, let’s explore how you can repurpose your content as a podcast. Sometimes repurposing can act as a content promotion strategy of its own.

Action: Take your high-volume search posts and create podcat episodes discussing the topics at length.

You might not have the first idea where to start when it comes to creating a podcast. Don’t worry; neither did I.

But, I now have two podcasts, one on its second series, two sponsors, and have been a guest on many other podcasts.

If you’re unsure of how to get started, there’s a wealth of starting a podcast content out there.

Some of the basic items you’ll need include:

You can even start a podcast from home.

Example: My podcast, which then became my entire brand, is the example closest to home when it comes to repurposing content as a podcast.

Repurpose infographic as podcast

It started life as a blog post, evolved to an infographic, and is now a podcast. All the while, it’s served as a traffic magnet and relationship builder.

Content promotion strategy 32: Video podcast

Action: Add variety by creating video podcasts as well as audio podcasts.

You might already know whether your audience prefers to consume their podcasts via audio or video. If you don’t, it’s worth the experiment to find out which gains the most traction.

Example: David Maldow, Founder and CEO of Let’s Do Video, created a spreadsheet comparing the best video conferencing tools.

As well as writing a guest post about his comparison sheet, he created this video where he ran through how he made the sheet and ran down each vendor’s strengths and weaknesses.

Content promotion strategy 33: Answer HARO questions

This next content promotion technique is included in larger effort projects because it involves a lot of trial and error.

The process of answering a HARO (Help A Reporter Out) question is quick and easy. But, you might need to answer 10 before you get your first bite,

Action: Sign up to HARO and choose your niche interests. Then, wait for the three-times-a-day email to arrive in your inbox.

When the email arrives, browse the questions that reports and marketers are asking. If one is relevant to you, answer it!

In your answer, include any links to content you’ve produced (on your site or as guest content).

General practice is to include your author bio with a link to the company you work for. You can be strategic here and include a blog post in your company name if it’s relevant to the question.

Example: Belynda Cianci created a round-up blog post for Databox using answers to a question she asked on HARO. She asked for tips on How to Create a Marketing Report.

Answer HARO questions for backlinks

You can see in the screenshot above that my response includes my job title and company. The company includes a backlink to one of our landing pages.

Content promotion strategy 34: Create a pop-up

Action: Add a pop-up to high-traffic blog posts advertising your latest content.

We typically use pop-ups for driving sign-ups to our email lists or requesting demos. But these often glean low conversion rates.

Why not offer the reader some relevant content to what they are reading?

Like when you add an internal link to your blog post, the goal here is to keep the reader on your site.

Example: Use an exit intent pop-up if your reader hasn’t clicked your desired call to action.

So, instead of asking the reader to sign up for a free trial:

Example of pop up

Ask them to keep on reading:

Pop up for content promotion

And if you’re brave, don’t bother asking for an email address at this point.

Lots of marketers get stuck (or scared) when it comes to un-gating content.

If your goal is to keep the reader on the page, make it a simple experience. Drop the email gate in this case and save it for driving attendance to virtual events and email sign-up forms.

If you’re interested in increasing sign-ups to your virtual event, check out these 6 Methods To Boost Attendance At Your Virtual Event.

Content promotion strategy 35: Create an eBook on Amazon

Action: For long-form content, take your existing work and either self-publish or hire a publisher to make your work available on Amazon.

By making your blog, infographics, handbook, available on Amazon, you create the potential for a much wider audience.

Self-publishing isn’t the most daunting task on Amazon as they make it step by step. But, if you’re short on resource or time, you can find loads of publishing experts who exist to do that element for you.

As long as your content exists, you can turn it into an eBook.

Example: Rather than provide an example of an eBook, I’ll use Orbit Media’s book, Content Chemistry. I’m unsure which came first: the book or the blogs but the content is repurposed one way or another.

Either way, it’s a terrific read and top of my recommendations list for content marketers.

Content promotion strategy 36: Reach out with prizes and content created from user surveys

Action: If you create user-generated content, like surveying customers or running Twitter competitions, you can use the prize-giving or the “acceptance of contribution” communication as a content promotion strategy.

Example: When we surveyed 200 IT Managers for the 2019 Workplace Messaging Report, we made a landing page instead of presenting the data in graphs.

Once happy with the design, I emailed every respondent thanking them and included a link to the content we’d created with their responses.

This was a quick way to get 200 views on our content. It was also a passive way of gaining potential social media shares. If something is shareable — like beautifully shareable — at least one of those 200 is going to share with their audience.

Katie Thompson also shares her experience of using surveys with prizes. Proof that you don’t need a large scale operation to use this content promotion strategy.

Content promotion strategy 37: Feature influencers in experts round-ups

Expert or influencer round-ups are a sure-fire way to get other people to share your content. Assuming you’ve created the content already, or hired a copywriter to do so, the promotion strategy is simple.

Action(s): Email everyone who contributed a quote or paragraph to your round-up post. Inform them that the post is live, provide the link, and ask them if they wouldn’t mind sharing it on their social media.

Told you it was simple, didn’t I?

Sure, not everyone will oblige but we can get around that.

Next up, share your post on Twitter as you would for run-rate blog posts. Only this time, thank each contributor for helping and tag them in the tweet.

If you want to be inconspicuous, share an image, and tag them in the image. They’ll still get a notification and it won’t look so obvious to onlookers.

If it’s a personal blog post or one written by a specific author, a thank you tweet also works.


Tagging contributors on Twitter

This is another common content promotion strategy that is regularly flagged as foolproof.

Content promotion strategy 38: Cold link building outreach

Action: Identify websites that rank for your niche and ask them to link to your content.

Sounds easy, right?

Well, like guest posting, this involves a lot of trial and error.

Be prepared to be ignored by 95% of the people you reach out to.

Some sites exist without SEO in mind so the editor you email will have no idea what you’re talking about or why you want a link on their site.

Others may have a no link policy because of the unproven rule that linking away from your site is bad for SEO.

While link building is a common practice for building page authority, you can tailor your approach to be a content promotion strategy.

Example: When you find a page that writes about your topic, reach out to the writer and ask them if they are happy to link back to the content you created.

To go a step further, and only when your content is super useful to their reader, ask them if they will embed your content in theirs.

Here’s what I mean:

If you create video content, upload it to YouTube and ask the writer to embed your YouTube link. This video by Verizon made my article better so I embedded it.

Embedding YouTube video into blog post

You can do the same with blog posts. In the example below, I was talking about Jim Lundy and the work he does.

What better way to show what he does than by including his latest report?

Embedding blog post into blog post

It could be an infographic, podcast, or even a tweet. You’ll have seen plenty of tweets scattered throughout this blog post. And another one coming up now.

Content promotion strategy 39: Create behind-the-scenes content

Action: Make something that shows your audience how and why you made your latest piece of content.

It could be an explainer video walking through how you assembled your latest blog post.

You might want to delve into the research process for your latest benchmarking report.

This doesn’t have to be war and peace either. Twitter threads or even a single tweet work as great vehicles for behind-the-scenes content.

Example: After creating the Workplace Messaging Report I referenced above, I wrote a blog post explaining the research we conducted.

Not the most interesting read for the layperson but the right audience can geek out if they’re interested in your brand or industry.

A better example is that of Kevan Lee, VP of Marketing at Buffer.

Kevan has 20k+ followers on Twitter. We’re safe to assume most of these are marketers. So behind-the-scenes content like this is as valuable, if not more, than the “content” Buffer produces.

Content promotion strategy 40: Join a local business network

Action: Find a “network” in your niche and share content when relevant.

This becomes a quick win once you’re in the network. But finding the right network where people read your content is another matter.

Example: I know that during #ContentClubUK, something I’ve written may be useful. If it is, I share it to back up my answer to the question.

At the same time, I also know lots of my marketing and freelancer peers have created great content on regular topics that come up.

The most important thing here is to share what is relevant and become a regular in the network.

Don’t treat this relationship as a one-off Twitter chat. If you’re a face that appears once and dumps a link to your latest blog post, you won’t get any clicks.

But, by becoming a trusted member of the community, you stand a much better chance of getting the click.

And it’s not just social media where you can apply this content promotion strategy. Try forums, virtual meet-ups, or even face-to-face meet-ups. What’s to stop you from showing someone a blog post in real life? Or sending them the link to read on the train home?

Content promotion strategies are everywhere. There’s almost no excuse to get your content seen these days.

If you are struggling with content promotion or even content creation, I must shout out PR Fire, who has been kind enough to give me carte blanche for this enormous blog post.

You can get your press release distributed for just £50.

That wasn’t even one of the content promotion strategies we discussed! So make that #41.

Tracking content promotion

As I’ve provided 41 ways to promote your content, it would be remiss of me to leave you to it.

Since writing this blog post, I’ve created a content promotion checklist you can download.

It’s only $35 but you can get $10 off using the discount code MEDIUM.

Download your content promotion checklist here.



Dominic Kent

Freelance content marketer specializing in unified comms and contact center.