How To Get More Freelance Clients

Dominic Kent
8 min readOct 10, 2023
How To Get More Freelance Clients

I ask my Twitter audience questions like: “What’s your least favorite part about writing?” and I get answers like “Finding clients”.

This makes me sad.

My query was to find out what people don’t like about writing. The automatic association for some freelance writers is that writing is business.

When I ask questions like “What’s your favorite part about writing?” I get answers like expression and freedom and other wonderful words that I also love about writing.

Likewise, when I join Twitter Chats about freelancing, the same topics come up time and again:

Finding clients is hard.

And, honestly, I don’t get it.

Now, that might sound callous or arrogant. And maybe it is. Because, while I appreciate how hard it is to get new clients when you cold pitch and submit CVs, I can’t get my head around why people don’t deviate from this horrible process.

Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

So why do people persist in the process that’s “hard, tiresome, boring, painful, arduous, mind-numbing, and demoralizing”?



Dominic Kent

Freelance content marketer specializing in unified comms and contact center.